
Thursday, 31 July 2014


Nasibah multiplication from Team 5 PES on Vimeo.

Valirie adames

Valirie adames New Zealand's own golden girl has celibrated yet more susses in her outstanding achevements. She is an unbeatibal woman in shot put 2014.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

My story from my book

Bula and i am going to tell  you to about my book. My story is called stan he is a rat and they live in a dirty drain. And stan the rat go tired living  in the drain so his mother told him you can not do anything. You could only go to your grandpas house, because if a human been caught  you on the road they might grab you and squeeze you my dear. So that is some of my amazing book i love.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Science in a Van

Science in a van from Team 5 PES on Vime

On Thursday class twelve went to the hall for science in a van.

These are some of the experiments that I loved. When Steve the chicken went zooming through the school hall that was far too amazing. This is how Steve zoomed of ana & Allen was pumping so steve the chicken could fly That experiment was about when Steve blasted off in a l&p rocket.

Do you know that Steve the chicken was made out of rubber?

Here is some other experiment I liked, was when a lady called Emily pulled out the table sheet there were cups they didn't move.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

I like maths

Do you no what I like about maths is when I learn something. Like multiplication or fractions and adding place value and also take awayes. I love maths